Please review document
Note: I just noticed we did part 1 wrong. So we are going to attempt it again here as well.
From this assignment: Choose a topic from the course and conduct a literature review exploring all sides of the issue. This paper is submitted in two sections – first the literature review and then
the student’s final recommendations, insights, and ideas.
Include at the top, research question
Note: what this means is that you just redo the literature review using this instruction and then add the final recommendations, etc
Students choose a “controversial” topic that we have covered in the course material and conduct
a literature review exploring all sides of the issue. Examples of topics from previous semesters
corporal punishment
shaken baby/abusive head trauma
firearms in homes
laws allowing parents to forego medical treatment due to religious beliefs
same-sex foster/adoptions.
Children and screen time
You can select a different topic, but the primary objective is reviewing the literature on “both
sides” of an issue that is considered somewhat controversial
How to write a literature review? See handout